Tag: Wesleyintermediate

Wesley Intermediate Rebranding

Hello everybody, welcome to my blog.
In today’s blog I will be telling you about the rebranding at Wesley intermediate.
The whole school were in the hall for the rebranding of the new logo and rebranding of the school.
We started with the national anthem and a karakia. Our principle went up on stage and made a speech about the rebranding, two students went up after her speech and talking about the new logo. They invited two ex student’s to reveal the new school logo, 2 birds the smaller bird
representing year 7’s and the big bird representing  year 8’s. After having a look at the new logo,  three men came on stage. Peter, Sione and Matua hare came up to bless the new logo of Wesley Intermediate school, after blessing the new logo three students came up on stage the sing a song, after the song. Three students came up on stage to present the new school values.

Whanaungatanga | Belonging
Everyone who is part of Wesley Intermediate belongs here, people are our most important taonga. We value authentic and respectful connections with each other and our whānau. This means acting in an inclusive, kind and mana enhancing way every time we are around other people.

Rangatiratanga | Leadership
Ranga means to weave and tira means group, so we are all leaders of the future, weaving people together to enhance our first value of whanaungatanga. Rangatiratanga is also self-determination and the pursuit of what is right. This means we value being in the right place, doing the right thing, all of the time. We are the future of Wesley, of Tāmaki Makaurau, of Aotearoa/NZ and of the world.

Hiranga ki mua | Excellence
This means that we value seeking our own personal excellence in everything we do, including our learning, performance, sport and in the way we interact with each other. We have high standards, expectations and aspirations for ourselves and each other.

After the introduction of the new school values the boys cultural group came up on stage to preform.
Thanks for reading my blog
Has your school ever had a big change ?